Marketing or selling: what impacts your business the most?

As you strive to acquire more (or better) clients, grow your practice, and ultimately increase your revenue, it is crucial to know what activities will turn the needle.

One common area of confusion is understanding the difference between marketing and selling. And further to that, understanding why, or if, you should invest in either.

Marketing is about fertilising the soil. While selling is about sowing the seeds. If you fertilise properly, they will germinate and grow, making it easier to sow them.

The more your soil is fertilised, the less work you have to do to germinate the seed.

Building awareness

Marketing in a business sense is about building awareness. And there are two key things that you need to build awareness of:

  • Your brand. Because familiarity in your brand builds credibility. Credibility builds trust. And trust leads to more sales.
  • Your products. Because if your client doesn’t not know what you do, then they won’t know to ask you for them.

Remember, the more effective your marketing is, the less you will be required to do in the sales process.

In fact, you may have already experienced this.

Have you ever had a new prospect act like they have known you for many years, when in fact you only just met them?

On occasions like this, you probably found the sales process became a mere formality. This is because you had already established trust.

The marketing activities to achieve this awareness and trust may include:

  • Digital marketing such as Google ads
  • Sending newsletters
  • Attending conferences
  • Conducting seminars
  • Referrals
  • Attending seminars
  • Publishing articles
  • Social media
  • The effectiveness of your website
  • Publishing own books

Your brand

By becoming familiar with your brand, trust is being established amongst your prospects. By achieving this, the sales process is made so much easier when you get in front of them.

On the flip side, the less marketing that is carried out, the more that’s required in the sales process.

If a prospect has no familiarity of your brand, there is no trust and therefore no credibility. In this occasion, the sales process is much more difficult, expensive and labour intensive.

Simply put, it’s much more cost effective and scalable to invest in Marketing so that by the time the prospects see you, it’s simply “order taking”.

No selling required.

No sales skills required.

So, to turn the needle of your business, where should you invest the most money?

The answer obviously is in marketing, which begs the question: why do so many businesses do so little of this?
